Jul 30, 2008

Size of HDD and Video Viewing Behavior: Qualitative change from quantitative change

In the recent post, I described how HDD has become cheaper, and how fast it would accelarate to be in a near future. In this post, I like to shed a light on how this "quantative" change in HDD will bring "qualitative" change in viewer's bahavior.

- VCR era
  • total hour of broadcasted contents per week (major ground wave stations in metropolitan Tokyo area) : around 5,000
  • average hour of real-time viewing per week : 25 (assuming we watch TV for 3.5 hours per day)
  • average hour of time-shifted viewing : 1 (most VCR owners do not record TV but use it to play rental videos)
Go home running or you will miss the show.

- DVR(TiVo) era
  • total hour of broadcasted contents per week (major ground wave stations in metropolitan Tokyo area) : around 5,000
  • typical hour of newly recorded contents per week : 25 (It heavily depends on HDD capacity and automated recording function based on EPG, but this number is surely growing these days )
  • typical hour of real-time (live) viewing per week : 10 (assuming this portion is replaced by time-shifted views)
  • typical hour of time-shifted viewing : 18 (dramatically increased thanks to the HDD capacity and easy navigation like TiVo)
  • typical hour of contens not watched : 7 (The larger and smarter DVRs can get, the more uncomsumable contents will be left)
Pain of unconsumable recorded contents has just begun.

- Super PVR era
  • total hour of broadcasted contents per week (major ground wave stations in metropolitan Tokyo area) : around 5,000
  • typical hour of newly recorded contents per week : 5,000 (assuming these devices record every single broadcasted contents)
  • typical hour of real-time (live) viewing per week : 10 (assuming this portion will not change from DVR era)
  • typical hour of time-shifted viewing : 18 (assuming this portion will not change from DVR era)
  • typical hour of "spotted" viewing : 5 (we will watch certain segment of the TV show which usually we have missed, but now spottable by means of keyword search or WOM)
You record 'em all, and you will get something new and have more fun.

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