Jul 19, 2008

hello world

This is my first posting to Blogspot so I like to do some introduction of myself.

I was Bon in 1972 near Kobe city in Japan. My father had worked for an aeronautics company. We moved to Matsudo city, a suberb town out of Tokyo in 1977, where I spent most of my school years. After I graduated from Waseda Univsersity in 1996 (I spent 6 years in college!), I joined Recruit Co. and I was involved in several web projects like this one. At the 5th year in Recruit Co., I got a company sponsorship to learn at MIT, there I joined Professor Madnick's work group to study Aggregation Technology and Business. (I had a quite fun time in Cambridge including a weekly night out to NYC!) After coming back to Japan, I had worked with IT Business Development Team at Recruit Co. till I left the company in 2005 and founded Metacast.

The inspiration of founding Metacast boils dowin to following 3 words.
PVR * Web 2.0 = TV 2.0

I had a huge influence from Tivo, Cocoon (Sony's first PVR), and Gracenote's CDDB. I would like to touch these issues in coming postings. Till then, I introduce some other resources here.
  • My previous blog postings are here (Japanese only).
  • Our company's web page is here. (We'll have English version soon)
  • My Facebook profile is here.
  • You can check my video watching logs from here. ("Mitter" is our service!)

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